Modern Muslim Mommy (To Be)

Cloth Diapering, Parenting, & Randomness From an Eclectic Individual

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted – CLOSED

on April 13, 2012


So, I just bought a bunch of these because I’m so excited and because they’re so soft and cute!!!

I’m passing on the cuteness to you, and if all goes well, I’ll give another away next month!!!

Please note that this is a fitted, so it will require you to use a COVER in order to be a waterproof system!

The winner will receive one Kissaluvs Marvels OS Fitted in the Safari print:

You can go to Kelly’s Closet, and click on the lefthand side where it says “Spring Clearance Sale!” for more details on this diaper:

Yea for you!!!! 🙂  I hope you win!!!

I’m not really on facebook or twitter for the purpose of cloth diapering (yet), so…


1) Use the button to the right to follow my blog via email.

2) Tell me in a comment below:

  • What is your favorite post from my blog (can be ANY, not just diaper related posts)?
  • Why do you deserve this fitted diaper?
  • Do you buy from Kelly’s Closet, and if so would you be willing to use and bookmark my link below?

No tweets required, just good ol’ fashioned honesty.  Seriously people, no made up BS here please!!!


This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada residents ONLY.

Only one entry per household please.

The giveaway will end on Monday, 4/30/2012 at 11:59 pm EST.  Any entries received after that will not be counted.

I will announce the winner here on Wednesday, 5/2/2012.

I will pick the winner according to their responses, and please remember there can be only one winner.

I will make my email public so you can contact me with your shipping details.  I will ship via the cheapest method possible, but I will try to provide tracking regardless.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Thank you very much for finding me, and I hope that you win!!!

27 responses to “Cloth Diaper Giveaway Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted – CLOSED

  1. […] Kissaluvs Marvels Fitted from Modern Muslim Mommy Mandatory email subscription (ends 4/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada […]

  2. I liked your fanny face off post, mainly because it reminded me of how i compare diapers that i’m considering purchasing 🙂
    as far as deserving the diaper… i’ve been wanting to buy a kissaluvs for a long time, but for the price, i just couldn’t justify it when i could get more bang for my buck with prefolds. mostly i would just love to have a nice diaper in my stash!
    and yes, i do buy from kelly’s closet and would be more than willing to bookmark and use your link 🙂

  3. Rebecca Orr says:

    I am an email subscriber.
    I liked the Swaddlebees Capri Covers post! I commented on it as well.
    I have not shopped with Kelly’s Closet yet.
    I honestly don’t feel like I deserve the diaper any more than any other reader. I definitely WANT it as much though! I think that we all deserve an equal chance at winning it and I would be very happy to win. Thank you for the chance!
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  4. chelsea says:

    I love the How to Strip Your Cloth Diapers, REALLY!!! blog post.

    I am trying to win this diaper for my new born who is due in 7 weeks. I have three diapers right now and am trying to get more ( as money allows ) before she gets here

    • chelsea says:

      Also I have not bought from kelly closet yet cause I really cant afford it ( Bought the diapers I have from ebay) but I would love to be able to in the future .

  5. Angela Beltran says:

    I have used Kelly’s closet. I don’t know if I deserve it but right now my family aand I are have really bad money problems so I sure could use it.

  6. Jennifer Bolton says:

    1) I love your post that details your cloth diaper stash. It’s a little peek into what kinds of cloth other people have (and what I might need to add)!
    2) I deserve this fitted diaper because I’ve been trying to be a cloth diaper advocate with my friends and family and share the love of cloth diapering!
    3) I have not bought from Kelly’s Closet yet, but would be happy to use your link if/when I do.

  7. Debra Haas says:

    My favorite post of yours is your swagbucks post! I love swagbucks! I got a $90 diaper bag for $25 off of amazon because of them!
    I can’t say that I really deserve this diaper (does anyone really deserve anything?), but It would get tons of use! I have a 22 month old, and a 4 week old that are both in cloth!
    I haven’t ever purchased from Kelly’s Closet, but I have thought about it!

  8. aimee p. says:

    I like the cloth diaper stash update because i like seeing what diapers other people have in their stashes.
    i think I deserve this fitted diaper because I have not tried a fitted diaper and would like to.
    I do shop at Kelly’s Closet and I would be willing to use your link but I already use someone elses – sorry

  9. What is your favorite post from my blog (can be ANY, not just diaper related posts)?

    Using Swagbucks to get free diaper stuff!!!

    I liked this post because I learned your name, I was going to name my daughter Taahirah! It was actually one of my husbands aunts name that passed away when he was young, she was an amazing woman! I just came upon your blog today so I’ve been reading EVERYTHING, which I don’t usually do, but you’re the first muslim cloth diapering blog I’ve found and well, I think i’m in love! lol, I do pray you get the blessing of a baby soon insha Allah. you’ll just love the many nights awake, spit up in your hair and clothes, and cries that only YOU will know how to comfort. really and truly though, that one smile the baby will give you will make ALL the tough times disappear. In my opinion anyway…

    Why do you deserve this fitted diaper?
    I don’t own any fitteds and would like to start putting more natural fibers on my babys bottom. Currently I only have bumgenius one size pocket diapers and flips with stay dry inserts. Unfortunately I didn’t know about microfiber stink until recently, hoping it doesn’t catch up with us anytime soon though!

    Do you buy from Kelly’s Closet, and if so would you be willing to use and bookmark my link below?
    I haven’t but would be willing to when they have sales! definitely would use your link when that time comes =)

  10. Sharon Possehl says:

    I enjoyed reading your post first “essay”, I mean blog post 😉
    I am currently pregnant with my second little boy (nine weeks to go!). With my 3 year old I always wanted to cloth diaper but was never able to build up a big enough stash. He is now potty trained but in cloth diapers at night 🙂
    I am slowly working on building an adequate diaper stash for baby #2. I have a mixture of prefolds with covers (I am a knitter so I mostly have knitted wool soakers in a variety of sizes with a few Thirsties Duo covers in both sizes) and 3 size small FuzziBuns Perfect Size diapers and 3 SimplyCloth onesize pocket diapers. I really like the idea of using fitted diapers with my wool soakers as they are all pull ons and seems it would be easier to not have to deal with pulling them over snappis or pins. I have not been able to purchase any quite yet though.
    My husband and I are both full time undergraduate college students so we are trying to do this as inexpensively as possible. So far it has worked out pretty well that we have been able to catch sales online and at our local natural parenting store. Also I plan to request a single cloth diaper (most likely a fitted) from each attendee to my baby shower, rather than the standard package of disposables. Winning this diaper would really be a big help, it would get me one diaper closer to my perfect stash 😉
    Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to do this giveaway!

  11. Sharon Possehl says:

    Oh! I forgot! No, I have never bought from Kelly’s Closet but I have been browsing it for quite a while and I have only heard good things. When I am able to do so I would definitely be willing to buy through your link!

  12. ellen says:

    this is my first time to your blog, so this is my favorite post!! i am pregnant right now, so i am building my stash. i already have 2 kissaluvs newborn fitteds, so i would LOVE to own a one-size! i haven’t bought from kelly’s closet, but i read their blog and follow them on facebook, and i would be willing to link to your blog if/when i did buy from there!

  13. Amber Miller says:

    I liked the How to Strip your diapers Really post. I want this diaper because I have never tried a fitted diaper before. I started cloth diapering about a month ago because my daughter had a horrible rash caused from the disposables so I have been trying different diapers to see what will work. I would like this diaper to see if fitted are her best choice. I do buy from Kelly’s Closet. In fact everything I own is from Kelly’s Closet.

  14. Karla says:

    This is adorable! Loved your “Fanny Face-Off” about the Kissaluvs & Blueberries. I hope to win this diaper because I love using wool covers, but haven’t been able to afford enough fitted diapers to use them as often as i would like. (We’re still in the runny newborn poo stage, so fitteds are essential to keep from having to wash my covers constantly). Most of my stash was purchased used so far, but as I need to buy more diapers & larger sizes I’ll definitely shop Kelly’s Closet. Great blog- I can’t wait to read more about your adventures in mommyhood!

  15. Olivia L says:

    I like your “Using Swagbucks to get free diaper stuff!!!” because it provided me with the kind of info I wanted to know about the program, especially from someone who isn’t making tons of points off referrals (I thought that was the only way you could actually get anything).

    I’d love to win this diaper because: a) it’s so darn cute! and b) I’ll have 2 in diapers soon and need to add to my stash. I haven’t bought from Kelly’s Closet before, but I’m always on the lookout for CD sites with good deals and great customer service. Like I said, I do need to pick up some more dipes, especially newborns, so if I were to buy from there, I’d use your link.

  16. Cloth Diaper Guru says:

    Reblogged this on clothdiaperguru and commented:
    Contest Alert! Modern Muslim Mommy (to be) is a great blogger who has done a ton of research on cloth diapering! Please check out her page- you will be especially tickled by her “Fanny Face Off” review! Enter to win a Kissaluvs One size fitted diaper. Contest ends 4/30/12

  17. Cloth Diaper Guru says:

    I re-reblogged your post over at ClothDiaperGuru! I was just thinking about you tonight and thought “hum, I haven’t had any emails of new posts!”. That was when I realized I was not subscribed to you (what!?)… that has now been fixed, thank goodness!

    My favorite post is your “Fanny Face Off”. I love the title first of all, and as I commented on that post you obviously have done a ton of research. The categories you selected for comparison gave a really honest and smart review.

    Surprisingly, I haven’t bought anything from Kelly’s closet yet! I’ve definitely looked, and I mentioned your link in my Earth Day sales review. I hope you get some clicks from that!

    If I won the diaper I would probably do an immediate review of it and post pictures! However, seeing as I don’t have an immediate need for diapers (our stash is more than complete), I would give the diaper to my sister in law who just her first child and is growing her cloth stash. She still doesn’t have enough diapers to do full-time cloth, and is having to supplement with disposables :(!

    I hope you will do some more of your own reviews once your little one arrives, it’s so wonderful to read different opinions on these diapers!

  18. Amy Miller says:

    I love the fanny face off posts because I love seeing similar diapers side-by-side.

    I deserve this diaper because my son is a heavy wetter and being a military family we cannot afford to try tons and tons of diapers to see what works.

    I have ordered from Kelly’s Closet and if I order again I will use your link! Thank you for the great giveaway 😀

  19. Nicole H. says:

    Thank you for your stripping cloth diapers post. I have been battling ammonia in my diapers and didn’t actually know that was what I was battling til I read your post and the link. They come out of the wash clean and come out of the dryer smelling clean but as soon as my baby pees in them they stink… bad! Now I know how to fix that! Thank you so much.

    I don’t know if I deserve the diaper but I would love the chance to try it out. I haven’t tried any fitted. All of my diapers are all-in-one and I’m nervous to venture away from them because they work really well for us.

    I haven’t shopped at Kelly’s Closet but have checked out their site. I didn’t find out about them until after I had bought a bunch of diapers for my baby. I bookmarked your link and plan to use it! Thanks again!

  20. Anna Cooper says:

    My favorite post would be the swagbucks. I love that stuff, right now I’m saving up to get a free wet bag…I really need another one for daycare.

    Do I need this diaper persay… the truth would be no. I’m trying to get a stash of fitteds for my son during the summer. I have diapers, but I bought all used to begin with and am now trying to slowly replace them since they are looking tattered.

    I have bought from Kelly’s closet before and would like to again, but first I have to get some more money.

  21. […] *Kissaluvs Marvels Fitted from Modern Muslim Mommy Mandatory email subscription (ends 4/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada […]

  22. marthalynnr says:

    I really liked your post on your Personal Perfume Wardrobe! It was fun and it’s neat to hear what other people like.

    We are getting ready to make the leap to cloth diapering and I’m kinda nervous about it! I need this diaper because I really have no idea what I’m getting myself into but I do think it will be a positive change once I get used to it.

    No, not familiar with Kelly’s Closet personally, but I would definitely shop through your site – especially since she offers clearance merchandise!

  23. Michelle Elnyczky says:

    What is your favorite post from my blog (can be ANY, not just diaper related posts)?
    I love the stash updates. It makes me wish I had done the same. I pretty much stuck to one brand.
    Why do you deserve this fitted diaper?
    I want it from my sister. She is having another baby soon and I am strting her in cloth.
    Do you buy from Kelly’s Closet, and if so would you be willing to use and bookmark my link below?
    No. I use a local business the Happy Baby Company

  24. Sarah Jane says:

    What is your favorite post from my blog (can be ANY, not just diaper related posts)?
    Weekend dinner blues? Try this South Asian treat! I think I like this post best because I LOVE finding and trying new recipes.

    Why do you deserve this fitted diaper?
    We use fitted diapers at night with wool covers, but we only have 3 fitted diapers, so I’d like to win this so I don’t have to worry if diapers are dry at bedtime.

    Do you buy from Kelly’s Closet, and if so would you be willing to use and bookmark my link below?
    Have yet to buy from Kelly’s Closet, but if I do, yes I’d be willing to use your link below.

  25. Katy Emanuel says:

    I hope to try out the Vegan Epicurean Brussel Sprouts & Clementine Recipe you posted. It sounds very tasty.
    I haven’t tried fitted diapers yet on my daughter. WE have been cloth diapering for 7 months now and would love to try a fitted.
    I haven’t yet purchased anything from Kelly’s closet

  26. hayley says:

    i like the cloth diaper stash update bc i love to see different types of diapers. i think i deservethis fitted diaper bc i dont have any fitteds and id love to try one! looks perfect for my baby boy! ive never purchased anything from

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